Labor, accountability, and justice
Working with colleagues at the Centre for Sustainability and Colorado State University, I am currently studying labor, accountability, and justice in agri-environmental arrangements. This includes examining varying ontologies enacted labor practices and the ways groups neglect and achieve more fair practices. We are also researching processes of accountability in agri-environmental governance networks. These projects are an extension of my efforts as a postdoc research fellow working on the New Zealand Sustainability Dashboard project. It also builds off past research I have led considering inequality and justice in food and agriculture cooperatives.
Publications related to this research
Hale, James, Meagan Schipanski & Michael Carolan. 2020. “Just Wheat Transitions?: Working Toward Constructive Structural Changes in Wheat Production.” Local Environment.
Hale, James, Katharine Legun, Hugh Campbell. 2020 “Accounting for Account-abilities: Examining the Relationship Between Farm Nutrient Measurement and Collaborative Water Governance in Canterbury, New Zealand.” Journal of Rural Studies.
Hale, James, Katharine Legun, Hugh Campbell, Michael Carolan. 2019. “Social Sustainability Indicators as Performance.” Geoforum 103:47-55.
Hale, James & Michael Carolan. 2018. "Framing cooperative development: The bridging role of cultural and symbolic value between human and material resources." Community Development 49(4):360-379.
Hale, James & Michael Carolan. 2018. “Cooperative or Uncooperative Co-operatives?: Digging into the Process of Cooperation in Food and Agriculture Co-operatives.” Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development 8(1):1-20.